Tag Archives: Social Media

Online presence – what your social media antics say about you

Communications in the technology world have evolved so much that we rarely have a need to pick up the phone to call a friend to know what they have been up to thanks(?) to the likes of facebook and twitter. In some respects it’s a fantastic way to keep in touch, in others it is quite sad that we can become complacent and lose that human touch too. In a bid to tell everyone what we are doing you must remember what effect this will also have on your recruitment potential. With reports of businesses in the US asking for passwords to prospective employee’s social media accounts to check their behaviours, a trend is starting to emerge where employers and recruiters alike are looking a little deeper than the CV to understand what potential employees are really like.

Now we have all had the warnings about privacy settings on our social media – but as the likes of facebook become more popular and naturally as a business it wants to extend out to a wider audience, privacy settings are constantly changing so profile pictures are no longer private to the outside world if your settings aren’t up to date. And even posts on your wall can be more readily accessed through other connections; it is time to consider what you want the wider audience to see about your life. Photos of drunken shenanigans and status updates about funny but silly behaviour could be in the reach of employers and could make a huge difference to you being offered a role.

It does seem unfair as your private life should be just that and a great deal of people live by the “work hard, play hard” rule. You may be incredibly professional and results driven at work with a wealth of delivery success under your belt but some organisations don’t take too well to knowing their employees (or potential employees) like to binge drink and make fools of themselves out of work. Fear that the employee may turn into work worst for wear and make costly mistakes and also the biggy – how does it reflect on the business, especially when there is a large new client about to invest who may also fall upon information about the person responsible for handling their expensive project.

The lesson to be learned here (as we are talking project management) is to ensure all your social media privacy settings are tight and up to date. Think about what you actually want people to see and for twitter – think before you tweet!

Now go out there, work hard and play hard – make sure your CV is saying all the right things about you and that your social media is saying the right things too.

For advice on social media and a free CV review from a consultant with project management recruitment experience (who has actually worked in Project Management), visit: www.thecvrighter.co.uk